Mr. Cope commenced practicing law in 1985 in the areas of business, real estate, commercial law and litigation.  Mr. Cope was introduced to Bankruptcy law in 1986 when he represented Leroy Bergstrom, Chapter 11 trustee in In re Lemons and Associates, Inc., which at the time was the largest commercial bankruptcy case pending in the state of Nevada1.  Over the years Mr. Cope has handled thousands of bankruptcy cases including all types of debtor and creditor cases.  Some of the more significant cases are as follows:

  • In re Lemons and Associates – Trustee’s counsel; as listed above
  • In re Robert L Helms Construction – Debtor’s counsel;
  • In re Newton(Wayne) – major secured creditor’s counsel; and
  • In re Washington Group International Inc. – major secured creditor’s counsel.

Mr. Cope has since practiced in all areas of Bankruptcy law representing debtors, creditors and trustees in both business and personal bankruptcy cases. Over the years Mr. Cope has achieved a high rate of success in representing his clients in these matters.

1.  Approximately $55 million was returned to creditors in the Lemons case.


Mr. Cope graduated Magna Cum Laude from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in May 1981.  Mr. Cope obtained his law degree from Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio graduating with honors in 1985.


  • All Nevada State Courts
  • Nevada State Bar Association
  • American Bankruptcy Institute
  • Washoe County Bar Association
  • Northern Nevada Bankruptcy Bar Association
  • National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys
  • United States District and Bankruptcy Courts for the District of Nevada


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